
At FriendshipAsia.com, our theme is Building Bridges of Love. We love all people and we want to build authentic friendships. Even more, we want to encourage friendships among all people and from every corner of the globe.

It has been proven over and over again, where there are friendships there is peace. Laughter is good medicine. Where people can laugh together, problems can often melt away. Whether sharing a meal, a movie, or conversation in online communities, humility, listening, and caring become ingredients of understanding.

While some are making violence, help us make peace by joining in this effort in “Building Bridges of Love”. Here are 5 ways you can help:

  • Follow and share us at (Facebook) and (Twitter) and join the conversation
  • Host a Friendship Party
  • Write articles and blog posts for FriendshipAsia.com
  • Become a local delegate for FriendshipAsia.com (learn more here)
  • Pray for all people: for peace, safety, and blessings.


  • Is FriendshipAsia.com part of any political movement or government?

    Answer: This is a grassroots program made up of regular people, although we are excited any time we get to partner with government leaders to advance the cause of love and peace. There is no political affiliation.
  • Is FriendshipAsia.com part of a religious organization?

Answer: No.  While the organization is inspired by the words of Jesus to love all people, the idea of Building Bridges of Love is intended to comprise people of diverse backgrounds including Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, everybody.

  • What is a Friendship Party?

Answer: A Friendship Party is a social event that is held to meet new people of diverse backgrounds. It can be hosted by an individual, a business, an NGO or non-profit, a church, mosque, or synagogue, etc. It can be free to attend or charge a nominal fee to cover basic costs. Its purpose is to advance peace through friendship. Sometimes important matters are discussed in a formal setting, and other times, it will be merely social. In every case, listening, humility, and care for others will be the main attitudes encouraged at a Friendship Party. Use our contact page if you are interested in hosting a Friendship Party.

  • Can Friendship Parties promote peace?

Answer: Yes. Not only can they promote peace and understanding among those that attend, but the influence that flows into other relationships and online postings can not be understated. In addition, should your group come up with important ideas that answer larger issues, through FriendshipAsia.com online forums and local delegations, your voices might get a larger audience among those that make decisions that affect many lives.

  • What is a FriendshipAsia.com delegate?

Answer: This is a volunteer position representing FriendshipAsia.com in their local area. It is an individual that wants to make a difference in advancing peace by encouraging friendships, facilitating inter-personal or online forums, or other duties as needed. A delegate may also meet with local leaders in matters that advance these purposes. Should you be interested in becoming a local delegate, contact us and tell us more about you. Lets get the conversation started.

  • What if I have an idea that I would like to propose?

Answer: Please do. After you have read this page, and our online forums on Facebook and Twitter, use our contact page and send us your proposal. We would love to hear what you think would help advance friendship, peace, and love among people in your community.

  • I have never heard of FriendshipAsia.com. Is the organization new?

Answer: Yes. This entire organization is in its infancy. Now is a great time to get involved.

  • Do you accept donations?

Answer: No. But if you want to donate to this cause, you can do so through one of our partnering non-profits. (Please let us know through our contact page.) We do not take donations directly because we are structured as a regular corporation operating as a “for-benefit”. What that means, is that we are allowed to be “owned”, offer shares, and raise funds like traditional for-profit organizations (because we technically are) but benefiting society is more important to us than money.

  • Why would you structure FriendshipAsia.com that way?

Answer: There are many reasons. Suffice to say that there are many worthy causes asking daily for grants and donations. Our founders are among those that are involved in non-profit leadership. The problem is that the strengths of the non-profit or NGO become its limitations as well. Practically, with all the good being done, there are still untold millions needing help in this world. We need innovative organizational methods that leverage the best of both worlds, where multiplication principles can have maximum impact. We want to do our part to create a better world now, and not be limited to the constraints that almost every non-profit and NGO is stuck working within. We believe this a good way to meet needs not currently being met.

  • Do you have other plans for FriendshipAsia.com?

Answer: Right now, its pretty simple: Building Bridges of Love through Online and In-Person Conversations including Friendship Parties. We are currently exploring Language Conversation classes as a way to build bridges. Feel free to contact us with your ideas as well. Everything will turn out better if we do this together!

  • How do I write articles and blog posts for FriendshipAsia.com?

Answer: We are looking for the right people right now. Contact us and lets get that conversation started.

Thank you for helping us at FriendshipAsia.com in “Building Bridges of Love”
Sincerely, Dan Nelson, founder/president